21st September Minutes SCFC

Held at The Bodham and Beckham Village Hall
Present: Julia Dovey (Chair) Kathryn Lord (Secretary), Lorraine Marks, Rosabelle Batt
The Meeting opened at 7:05pm
1. Apologies from John Stibbons, Simon Wakeford, David McNeight.
2. The Committee would like to express their sincere appreciation to Anthea Sweeney for contributions made to the SCFC and Parish Council on hearing of her recent resignation. The committee are very sad to see her go.
3. The minutes 27th July 2017 were agreed as fair reflection of the meeting

4. Ongoing Projects were reviewed

  1. The latest Bulletin issue & Parish Walk Leaflet had been appreciated and comments had been made by several Parishioners.
  2. The Parish Website www.eandwestbeckham.org had received a response the last minutes from a new resident of West Beckham. A request for a sketch map to locate places in the Beckham’s would be helpful. (Perhaps this could incorporate the Village ‘assets’).Gresham Village have produced something that we could review. It was noted that internet access was still a problem especially in East beckham.We also have a Parishioner who is working on an illustrated Walk Leaflet and this could be expanded.
  3. Community Bus Service for Saturday Market Day had been investigated by Rosabelle Batt. The Community Bus Service based in North Walsham had advised they could not run a Saturday service. RB had contacted a number of local coach and transport services. First Choice offered 2 pick ups (East and West Beckham) and delivery to Holt or Sheringham with a drop back after 2 hours for £90.  It was felt it would be a good idea to test this service and local response by organising a Christmas Shopping service in December (dates 9th and 16th December) This would be advertised in the next Bulletin (Autumn)
  4. Playdale installation of the Basket swing and City Swinger at West Beckham Playground had been completed. There had been interest by local children and visitors alike. No responses had been made regards volunteers or suggestions for further equipment. It was felt we should godhead and buy ‘hand and foot holds’ to transform the ‘basket wall’. Noted the gate post at the entrance was rotted through and unstable.
  5. Road Safety – Village Gates had not yet arrived. Bulbs x 5 varieties have been donated by RMNW. It was agreed a variety for each gate would work well. Mirrors were reviewed again from memory KL advised these cost approximately £220 each. JD had asked JMNW if a mirror could be attached to their barn opposite the dangerous Long Lane exit. There had been no objections but RMNW should also be asked. Opposite Allotment Lane, which is a dangerous blind exit, the hedgerow opposite would be land owned by the Batts. RB to review if this would be possible to install.
  6. Defibrillators. Problems had occurred in East Beckham as the site thought agreed was now in doubt. JS to investigate. Was a Solar Panel possible to power Defibrillators, if so this would be easier to locate. It was discussed central East Beckham (i.e. by the Vegetable Packing Business) would be a good location to accommodate workers, residents, and members of the syndicate shoot.
  7. Neighbourhood Plans. This had been investigated further and the Core Strategy plans produced by planning felt served our needs regards the countryside area in which we live. “Briefly, the adopted Core Strategy determines that the majority of new commercial and residential development will be directed to the Principal Settlements” of Cromer, Fakenham, Holt and North Walsham; there will be more limited development opportunities in the Secondary Settlements” of Hoveton, Sheringham, Stalham and Wells-next-the-Sea; a small amount of new development will be focussed on a number of designated Service Villages” and “Coastal Service Villages” in order to support rural sustainability; in the rest of the District, known as the “Countryside Area”, development will be restricted to particular types of development such as that to support the rural economy, meet affordable housing needs and to provide renewable energy” https://www.north-norfolk.gov.uk/tasks/planning-policy/view-core-strategy/
  8. EB Allotment. JD had discussed with 2 contractors quotes regards the allotment track. A third contractor needed to be found for quoting, – one within the parish? KL to ask at Number 1, Hall Farm Cottages and RB to supply a contractor to contact. A rent increase is likely from the 2019-20 season. This will be discussed at the next Parish Council.
  9. West Beckham Allotment ground. The document HELAA produced by Planning showing potential land development across the county was discussed and it showed the allotment in West Beckham had been excluded. No further suggestions took place about the use.
  10. WB Village Sign – what to do on refurb or renew? A third quote (for refurbishment) had been received at £1,700 but would be on site as no workshop available.  An inspection of the V Sign will be made Saturday 30th September at 10am by JD, RB, LM and anyone else who could attend.
  11. Bodham and Beckham Village Hall disabled toilet. This was being paid for by the Solar Fund money and the work for the toilet is scheduled for November.
  12. Cemetery entrance works. The work is on schedule to start on 16th October by Thompson Warner Builders.
  13. Green spaces. Further ground clearing to maintain the work already done by TCV’s is to be scheduled and an estimate of cost for the 5 year management plan. JD had investigated Free Trees supplied through the Woodland Trust with ‘rabbit guards’  It was suggested planting in early Spring and next meeting to discuss varieties for the locations.
5. AOB The Future of the SCFC. Meeting regularity and suggestions with regard the dwindling number of SCFC members were discussed. Currently 3 Solar Fund Committee Members were now Cllrs of the Parish Council so would it make sense to combine the ‘sub committee’ into the Parish Council to save on duplication of effort? Parish Council meetings only sit every other month rather than monthly and this would lose momentum to get things achieved. A compromise suggestion was to continue with SCFC meetings monthly, but 1/2 hour prior to a Parish Council meeting followed by a ‘full meeting’ the month ‘in between’. KL advised a new resident had expressed an interest in being involved but with young children, evenings may not be suitable?
6. Date of next meetings
October 12th
November 23rd
Meeting closed at 9PM

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