12th April SCFC Minutes

Held at The Village Hall (Bodham)

Present: Julia Dovey (Chair) Kathryn Lord (Secretary), David McNeight, David Barrass, Ardna Curran, Simon and Lorraine Wakeford, Francis P
The Meeting opened at 7:05pm

1. Apologies
John Stibbons

2. The minutes 15.02.18 were agreed as fair reflection of the meeting.

3. Projects
ALLOTMENT TRACK – DB reported no further work has taken place as we do not have sufficient funds until the next amount of solar fund money is received (in October). Also if the Village sign was to be a priority this would take up the available money.

DMc provided a rough costing of rainwater capture (based on the Maydencroft design idea with a roof and tank storage) Costing £250 + food tank container at approx £40 – £80 on top. It was thought a meeting to decide where on the allotment this could be placed would be sensible or discuss with those who would have an opinion on the matter.

KL advised West side of the allotment was now fully taken and on the East side a prospective resident is being taken this Saturday to choose a plot.

The old bench has been disposed of. The new bench is not secured, but is useable (The plaque for Bob and Ivy yet to be fitted).

THE FELBECK TRUST – They had already started work and had visited East Beckham common. They fitted a rustic bench and have put up bat and bird boxes. JD is to be the appointed contact with FT and has agreed to meet with them at the end of July to discuss the direction of work for both sites. No work is going on during the summer months but nature surveys will be undertaken to record what is already present.

Churchyard and Cemetery Surveys where also discussed. NWT have not actually agreed to revisit the 2 areas as yet and if they do it will be to record birds, bees and butterflies (noting too if any plant species have changed). By the next solar fund meeting in June this would be known. The PCC meeting is taking place on Friday 13th April so the maintenance etc of the Cemetery maybe discussed.
KL advised she had not heard back from the NWT regards a management plan for the areas.
How much would it cost to cut and strim the Cemetery if the Solar Community Fund was to pay?
The NWT survey could be laminated and posted in the Church Porch for people to read.
Certain Tombs are recorded as 18th Century however they are overgrown with Ivy.
NWT may supply signage to advise of a natural environment for the Cemetery/Churchyard, but also the SCF could instigate.
Review at June meeting when we know a bit more.

VILLAGE SIGN – JD 3 quotes had been received. KL and JD to have separate meeting to present to PC. The reason the village sign was included in our project list was after establishing the sign was in poor condition when trying to photograph for inclusion on the Village Hall wall. It was therefore suggested the original 1980 photo be reviewed to see if this could be used. JD to initiate. DB to take photos of East Beckham sign.

DEFIBRILLATORS – A big thank you to John Stibbons for all the work in getting the defibrillators, funded, fitted, and then for the well attended awareness meeting set up. It was very useful to have the first aid meeting and raise number of queries. AC to investigate Village ‘Emergency Network’ – a call for help/volunteers around the villages in event of an emergency.

WEBSITE – JD has had a login created so Beckham walks can be added. Link to Bodham website to be arranged Dmc

BUS SERVICE – (Note post meeting The Bulletin asked for suggestions re ‘Special Bus’ put on by SCF and a suggestion was given to KL by a parishioner to run a ‘Wednesday bus/taxi’ through the summer for Market day)

VILLAGE CLEAN UP – Bus shelter, Sheringham Road, Bluebell Barn to Church, areas where the Daffodil pickers have discarded blue gloves near allotment lane/The Street. Signage could be made to announce ‘Litter Pickers at Work’ and high viz jackets worn if you have them. 10AM Village Sign 28th April for volunteers.

THE BULLETIN – Summer issue contents.
Horticultural show – many more classes than just fruit and veg. See Bodham for more details.

4. AOB.
Create a ‘Suggestion box’ for the Bus Stop
Household information sheet to be updated. Mobile Post Office and Fish and Chip Van at Bodham
Allotment Training possible via Norfolk Local Councillors and paid via SCF money.

5. Next meeting date Thursday 14th June

Meeting ended 8.45PM

Cllr Kathryn Lord (Secretary E&WB Solar Community Fund Committee)
kathryn.lord@me.com / 07711070417
2 Hall Farm Cottages, Church Road,
West Beckham, Holt, Norfolk
NR25 6NX

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