Minutes of the Meeting E&WB SCFC 28th April 2016

Held in Bodham and Beckham Village Hall

Present: Julia Dovey (Chair) Kathryn Lord (Secretary) David McNeight, Chris Wheeler, Rex Wheeler, Bob Lewis, Lorraine Marks, Simon Wakeford, Andrew Clark, Anthea Sweeney, John Stibbons

The Meeting opened at 7pm

1. Apologies
Rosabelle Batt
Denise Lewis
Mike Baker
Lynne Clark
2. Review Minutes of last meeting

It was agreed the previous minutes were a fair reflection of the meeting.

3. Progress on action plan:
Apart from the one firm quote, SW reported that other companies (5 in total) had failed to visit or make quotes despite several chasing calls and promises that they really were interested in the work. (Note post Meeting: Fr Phil Blamire has reported that no additional or new stones can be laid, the suggestion is an addition of a metal plaque. Also the Churchyard work would have a ceiling of £1500 prior to 3 quotes being sought.)
JD had supplied the report by Mark Webster from The Conservation Volunteering Charity prior to the meeting. The report outlined a selection of menu options with guide prices. Generally it was felt these volunteers were expensive but it was agreed a Conservation Management Plan would be worthwhile for both the WB Village Green and EB Loke. Mark Webster highlighted valuable assets within the ancient woodlands at both East and West Beckham.
CW & RW had received unofficial expert advise and an offer of free assistance, if needed, for work in the Village Green, focusing on walker safety. Work had not started.
JS advised the PC had used Community Payback labour in the past and this is available. It was felt this labour could be used to clear brambles and bracken along the pathways
KL had tried to contact Fr Phil Blamire prior to the meeting but would send an email to find out if any progress had been made or meetings set up with the DFB Ltd. (Note post meeting – Fr Blamire had supplied the Trust Deed for the PC and the PCC would need to discuss what was the next step)
JS advised the Charity had estimated £1500-2000 per defibrillator. If vandalism is unlikely a coded lock would not be needed and would reduce costs. The Company would come and make a presentation to the Parish Council in July which would explain a lot of the details which the committee were asking. KL advised that she had been contacted after the latest BULLETIN by a couple of volunteers keen to be trained.
No news.
BL advised a total of 10 allotments were left available in EB.
Urgent attention to the Entrance and track into the Allotment was required along with the Parking area. 2 Further quotes are required unless this situation can be resolved. JS advised he was waiting for another contractor to come back to him. JD to discuss with PC
BL advised the daffodils in EB had been partly picked by a couple of Eastern European pickers. When challenged by BL they did not return. BL reported this to Cromer police.
JS has issued the new contacts for the Allotments for year 2016-17
West Beckham allotment space was not discussed.
PARISH MAPS: Not discussed
JS supplied an email from Highways (Steve White) which advised white gates could be part funded. The round of funding would be applied for late in 2016.
Highways would need to agree suitable wide verge sites for the gates. Steve White would visit to discuss suitability
KL/DM had looked at locations as had LM/SW who had also measured verge widths.
Would locations be where the 30 mph signs were already placed? No 30 mph signs in EB
JD reported she had tidied up in the bus stop but the bin inside had been used as a dog waste bin. KL thought painting the inside brickwork would improve the appearance.
Ideas to be fed back to JD by ALL prior to the next meeting.
JD reported the meeting with Charles Sanders took place and there would be a personalised West Beckham bus program written by CS which would be included in the next BULLETIN (June) There is a service 3 days a week currently and the School Bus can also be used, although this will need to be paid for prior to 9.30am
JD also gave details of Dial a Ride and other options which we will be include in the next BULLETIN.
POST BOX PAVING UPDATE: SW provided a photograph of the completed pavers in situ at the Church Farm Postbox. The committee expressed their gratitude and praise.
A&LC had visited the Play area and reported back that is was very tidy and well maintained at the point of the visit.
JS advised ROSPA will make the annual inspection to ensure all equipment is meeting safety standards etc.
There was plenty of space (size 30m x11m) that could take extra equipment and AC had approached some specialist companies.
Examples of Slides had been provided – various prices from £6k to others from Costco Cash and Carry were shown.
The Area is owned by NNDC and the PC need to fund regular grass cutting. It was muted that NNDC may wish to pass the land over to the PC.
KL though the fencing could be improved to make it less uninviting, although it was functional to keep dogs out and children in.
BL had a contact with a Weybourne committee who have recently set up a children’s play area and would pass this on.
LM and KL both remarked on the quality of play areas at Blakeney Village.
DM advised that the domain name eastandwestbeckham.org had been purchased.
KL DM & DL had spent an afternoon going through possible content and architecture. A basic format for the website was now up. (Albeit a ‘work in progress’)
Content offers from some parishioners had been forthcoming and also old photographs from RAF West Beckham have been allowed to be used.
KL/DM asked for the committee to look at what is on the site so far and offer feedback.
RB had not been able to attend the meeting but would report back next meeting regards bench costings and designs.
4. Parish Council Meeting

3 Quotes and difficulty in progression

5. AOB
SW asked that the grass triangle in front of Chestnut Farm with the WB Village Sign be protected from being run over. Oak posts and removable chains could be installed to improve matters.

6. Date of next meeting

26th MAY, 7PM, Bodham and Beckham Village Hall (2 days after the Parish Council Meeting 24th May when ALL are invited)
30th JUNE being the following meeting date

Meeting closed at 9:00 pm

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