Minutes of the Meeting E&WB SCFC 22nd September 2016

Held in Bodham and Beckham Village Hall

Present: Julia Dovey (Chair) Kathryn Lord (Secretary) David McNeight, Bob Lewis, Lorraine Marks, Simon Wakeford, Anthea Sweeney,

The Meeting opened at 7pm

1. Apologies
Denise Lewis
Andrew & Lynne Clark
John Stibbons
2. Review Minutes of last meeting

It was agreed the previous minutes were a fair reflection of the meeting.

3. Action Plan Update and PC Summary List

Post boxes

AS raised a neighbours concern that the Post Box in Sheringham Road would be moved. It was agreed the intention was not to move this box but to improve the area around it making it easier to access or pull in if by car.

A lay-by could be discussed with Highways when Steve White comes to do a site visit (currently on holiday, so after 10th October). A suggestion of a strong mesh type ground covering that would allow grass to regrow through but would resist heavy traffic would be better than ‘roadway’. It was felt remaining as grass would discourage people who might be tempted to use the area for longer term parking.

Village Noticeboards

Sheringham Road board requires a renewal of the glass.
Both Boards in WB need the wood parts to be treated.
It was discussed that a professional decorator may be difficult to find for a small job (cost) like this and therefore a new board may be a better option. DM agreed to review new board suppliers and apply a Sadolin or preservative coat to the exisiting wood.
The Board by Chestnut Farm should be moved to the Bus Stop so that it is protected from the weather.

War Memorial

A Stonemason in Felthorpe Norwich has been appointed. Half the cost has been deposited with him to allow the purchase of a new York stone to pin onto the old face. This will hopefully be completed and installed in time for the Remembrance service scheduled 13th Nov 2016.
The Roll of Honour list of names will be reviewed by all and the one omission included.
KL to call the mason and see if photos can be taken of work in progress. (Post meeting: The York stone is due to arrive Oct 14th, which should allow time for inscribing and installation)

Mission Hut

Father Phil Blamire had advised the Church Estate Agents are due to put the land/Hut up for Sale. There was still a degree of uncertainty amongst some in the village about ownership. Judy McNeil Wilson was to contact Diocese Finance to discuss. There is no record at the Land registry of who owns the land. Perhaps Mills and Reeve Solicitors in Norwich could be contacted as they had drawn up the original Trust Deed.

Village Green and other Conservation sites

Thursday 13th October has been booked for the The Conservation Volunteers (TCV) a community volunteering charity to attend and work on West Beckham Village Green. They will have the right equipment and insurances. Others from the Villages are encouraged to join them.
The work will be to clear the entrance from the road, create a new circular path, clear broken trees and control of the bracken/bramble. A new bench seat will be installed.
JD advised the Tesco Grant was not successful this time but she had been advised to reapply.

Allotment East Beckham

BL had spoken with Sheringham Allotments and they have water which is installed and metered. The cost of the water is shared but the annual plot charge is £40 to £45, not £10as at East Beckham. This extra cost may not be acceptable to all East Beckham allotment holders.
Mr Clifford Brown had been approached and he advise the high pressure of the Borehole would make the water supply unworkable. This was not a viable option.
A Bowser might be able to be installed to allow people to fill watering cans, but no hoses.
A suggestion was made that each allotment site is provided with a lean-to shed and large water-butt, as required.
Discussion to be taken to the next PC Meeting in November.

St Helens Church Site (East Beckham, Grade II, English Heritage Site)

This area is an open access space, however it has been surrounded by a fence and the footpath blocked.

The East Beckham pathway at the top of the common (turning left) had seen signs saying no access. BL had spoken with Jason the Gamekeeper who works for the Batts and he advised this was due to the game birds and the Shoots that will take place until February. After this time the signs would be removed. It was felt it would be good to explain to locals near The Loke or to put the reason on the sign itself so the reason is clear.

Children’s Playing Field WB

It was noted that the Playing field land is currently owned by the District Council, so the PC will apply for a Community Asset Transfer, for a nominal sum. When in the control and ownership of the PC the Big Society Grant would be possible and further work can be taken to improve the facility.

KL to order signs NO DOGS and CLOSE THE GATE, as dog fouling is taking place inside the play area.

Bus Shelter

A new roof is needed. This had been discovered when KL began to paint the inside of the shelter. JD is arranging 2 local quotes Including retaining walls and KL had quotes for 2 different roofing materials (no labour).

The Village Sign Triangle

John & Judy McNeil Wilson had advised they maintain the area (mow and patch any damaged grass) and as such would prefer not to have posts or rails installed. It was agreed as they continue to maintain as they do it would be left in their hands.

Handy Person needed

Residents of East Beckham Loke have asked by Letter for equipment to be purchased – a strimmer etc – to mow the grass and keep the allotment entrance clear. BL advised that he was moving out of the area in March next year. He was therefore going to have to resign as East Beckham PC Councillor etc and he currently takes care these tasks.

4 New Benches need to be installed – this would be best by a builder?

It was felt there are a number of general ongoing Village maintenance needs and appointment of a regular Handy person would be very helpful. BL to list maintenance items in EB and JD in WB to discuss with the PC to see how someone could be paid hourly or monthly e.g. approx. 2 days per month? The Defibrillator will all also need to be checked and maintained.


Content is needed – Beckham Socialites Lunches, History, West beckham Walkers, Oral History, Abbey & Heritage information.

Autumn Newsletter Content

Re Temporary Pathway restrictions/access and Shoot
Conservation – to show before after in Village Green
Bench installations 2 in WB, 2 in EB
Bus Shelter
War memorial progress

3. Date of next meetings

At B&B Village Hall, 7.30pm

27th October
24th November
26th January 2017

Meeting closed at 8:35 pm

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