25th May 2017 Minutes SCFC

Held at The Bodham and Beckham Village Hall

Present: Julia Dovey (Chair) Kathryn Lord (Secretary), Simon Wakeford, Lorraine Marks,

The Meeting opened at 7:00pm

1. Apologies

Rosabelle Batt John Stibbons David McNeight Anthea Sweeney

2. Review Minutes of last meeting

It was agreed the previous minutes were a fair reflection of the meeting.

3 KL reported on of the Annual Parish Council Meeting.

Responses were made at the SCFC noted in RED

Robert McNeil Wilson made reference to the busy year and the achievements of the Committee. The ‘green spaces’ work by TCV in particular were seen to be a vast improvement to the village.


Despite every effort by KL to ensure the defibrillators were purchased from the Solar Community Fund money immediately, there was a vote to wait a further couple of months to see if the Lottery Fund would supply additional funding. (JS advised the LF had not sent a letter out so the process had ground to a halt rather than been decided one way or another).

The SCF Committee members were very upset, disillusioned at the lack of action and resignation was considered.

Village Gates – RMNW agreed to supply daffodils to plant around the gates when fitted, and a formal request to be made of Stuart T regards ‘gardening’ these areas in future. GP to follow up.

Play Area – A second quote was received from Fenland Leisure Products (FLP) but the Parish Council need a 3rd quote. We have in principal been given OK to spend £5502.00 + VAT as quoted by Playdale for 2 pieces of equipment (Basket Team Swing and Pole City Swinger)
The current equipment should be refurbished (painted?), in particular the ball wall unit with the net, which has broken. This could be turned into a climbing wall and the ‘ball games’ aspect removed from the play area.

KL to follow up with both companies and 1 more.

Benches + Noticeboards

A new bench has been installed into WB Village Green by GP.
JS has purchased 1 x Picnic Bench from Glasdon and this was to be delivered immediately to RMNW Barn. This would enable us to judge the weight and any installation problems for East Beckham
GP will install the bench in the Bus Shelter as the SCFC request to get paid outside help to install items around the village was not felt to be necessary.
The non Parish Notice Board could be made simply as it did not need to have a closure or cover, given it is already under cover in the Shelter. (If under £100 no advanced spending approval is required).

Moving the Parish Notice Board is still required and refurbishment & new Noticeboard to be costed by DM/KL

Graveyard Entrance. A Quote had been offered by Neil Thompson for the PPC & SCFC for just under £5000 +VAT, however the request of a flint panel in brick pillars now needed to be investigated. 3 Quotes were also asked for by the Parish Council. Suggestions were made for local builders to try. KL to take further.

At the SCF meeting it was agreed that JD, S&LW, KL should revisit the site with Neil Thompson and discuss what was needed or achieved before getting further quotes. Perhaps brick pillars are not the best option to give a tidy and cared for entrance with exit/safety at the forefront of the design?

Green Spaces

Spend for 3 further days work was agreed by the Parish Council. The Parish Council were very happy with the improvements so far.

HO Representative from TCV had visited 22nd May and she would be raising a 5 year Management plan; including sourcing of trees via a charity and suitable wildflower etc.

4. Photos of East and West Beckham Village Signs

SW and LM reported on the WB Village sign and it’s condition. It was found to be in worse condition than thought. It needs refurbishment now before it deteriorates further.

KL to email JS to ask if he knows any companies who could attend to this kind of work.

5. Bird and Bat Boxes

Julia had ordered, but need to discuss with JS to arrange payment.
Owl box locations were to be suggested and included in the 5 Year Management plan (TCV)

6. Parish Walk Leaflet

JD offered a draft of the Parish Walk leaflet for review. This would be worked on by Chevertons.

7. Bus Survey

JD had received 5 responses and KL had received 1. A good response rate it was felt – 3 from West Beckham and 3 from East Beckham. KL to produce a spreadsheet of the results.

8. AOB

Extension of the AONB (area of outstanding natural beauty) was discussed

9. Date of Next meeting at B&B Village Hall, 7PM – 8:30PM

22nd June
27th July
August would be a holiday resuming September Date TBA

(Days other than Thursdays were discussed – however bookings are always reserved/available for us on a Thursday due to Parish Meetings)

Meeting closed at 9.00pm

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