13th August SCFC Minutes

Solar Community Fund Committee Meeting

DATE: Tuesday 13th August 2019
VENUE: Julia Dovey’s Home (White House, The Street, West Beckham)
Opened meeting 7:00PM
Attended by: Julia Dovey, Kathryn Lord, John Stibbons, David Barrass, David McNeight, Rosabelle Batt, Lorraine Wakeford, Ardna Curran.

1. Apologies: Simon Wakeford, Tracy Toyne

2. The minutes were agreed as a fair reflection of the last meeting (June 2019)
It was noted the PC had officially thanked the resident who had restored the East Beckham village sign and the post. His hard work was greatly appreciated by all.

3. Projects Update

A. Water Harvesting at East Beckham Allotments
DM requested funds for 2 more tap adapters to install the final 2 bulk liquid containers. Funds would be approx £50. It was agreed this was worth while and the water tanks are being well used by the allotmenteers.

B. Allotment Track at East Beckham Allotment
RB had been in touch with Withams the local farm contractors. They are going to complete the resurfacing of the track/car park using road chipping and this will take 2 days approximately to complete. They are currently use with farm work but will get in touch with RB when they have a moment to work on the job. Hedges around the allotment could also be done by this contractor. We will ask when they start the job to schedule 2 times a year.

It was noted that electrical cables had been removed and replaced recently with higher, stronger cables. On the allotment side of the road the cable appeared low and runs through the trees. Should this be reported – DM to measure the height.

C. Use of Allotment West Beckham
The Parish Council meeting held in July voted for the allotment to be incorporated into the Felbeck Trust agreement which would offer open access to all, simplicity of management and be 4 acres more of specific nature conservation. Attached to these minutes is the proposal from the Felbeck Trust (sorry this was not sent out with the agenda KL). It was agreed at the meeting a ’start up’ contribution to pay for regular cutting/baling of the field, plus installation of a secure shed ‘adaptation’ to benefit the FT. This will be proposed to the PC in September. In the meantime FT would go ahead and cut/bale the field to remove unwanted dock seed etc.

[pdf-embedder url=”http://www.eastandwestbeckham.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/Habitat-Management-Plan-West-Beckham-Old-Allotments.pdf” title=”Habitat Management Plan – West Beckham Old Allotments”]

D. Village Sign West Beckham
The Village sign people JD and KL met up and the coloured artwork was agreed. This will come when it is possible for the Designer to start work (after some ‘welcome sign’ designs for another village which may be a couple of months). No fixed date has been indicated. It was thought ‘ 2020’ on our sign as a date of installation would be preferable. KL to advise VSP.

E. Emergency Help Network
There was a discussion to approach to District Councillor Piere Butikover and Norman Lamb MP but as the East of England Ambulance service are not about to adopt this system and have other issues it is unlikely to be successful. ACu advised she had already tried this course of action to no avail – no new ideas where forthcoming.

F Cutting hedges + Clearance
East Beckham allotment. RB to ask Withams Contractors to cut hedges when they come to do the Allotment Track. They should be cut twice per year?
There needs to be clearance of the bonfire (old trees grubbed up previously from the hedge line + some fly tipping of laurel hedge). DB/DMcN to review and set light.
Once this is cleared the ground could be cut and cleared at the empty plots.

G. New Bench for Opposite the West Beckham Bus Stop
JD to check with JMN-W if this land is theirs where the Bus Stop stand is situated. If so is it suitable to install a bench? It was thought a new Glasdon bench would be suitable for outside or buy a wooden (cheaper option) for the Bus Stop and move the Glasdon bench to outside. Could this bench be made a memorial or named. Original suggestions in the Village Questionnaire was to have Wrights Corner?

H. Expenditure Ongoing
A reserve fund of approximately £5,000 – £10,000 for maintaining the various projects. Another annual contribution is due in October from the Solar Array Company. The PC have also asked the Solar Array Company to carry on paying the PC for longer than the 10 years originally agreed. The Company are currently asking for an operational extension to the original 25 year to 40 years via planning.

Another expenditure that could occur in future was a possible village shop being investigated by Bodham Parish Council. This was at a very early stage of investigation and Beckham PC have agreed to help distribute a Questionnaire to all villagers in the Parish along with the Bulletin.

I. Village Clean Up
JD and AC to investigate the cleaning of the Church Village Gates with ‘Wet and Forget’ product.

J. Bulletin next issue (summer asap)
KL to compile a new Bulletin issue to go out after the horticultural show (27th July) so that the winners could be highlighted like last year.
Village Sign – black and white designs
Village Pump installation
Ancestry enquiry – copy had been sent from America and an extensive list of ‘Thomas Bird’ Descendants. (available by request) KL to advise the American lady that there had never been a St Mary’s Church in West Beckham – an error?
JD had tried to contact M Digby without success regarding the Wellington Bomber. JS advised details were in the Gresham Village history but will not include in the Bulletin this time.
Horticultural Show details and Film Club and QuizNight. Christmas Lunch date available.
NHS 5 Year Health Plan. The consultation was too late to be distributed by the Bulletin.
Shop at Bodham – questionnaire can be circulated separately but mentioned in this issue Bulletin.

4. AOB
During the recent lightening storm various damages had occurred to property and phone lines in the village. It was noted Open Reach had been working on the lines and are due to return (it has been 3 weeks since the storm). The Defibrillators x2 are working as JS has tested them but the small power lights have gone out.
DB is interested in pursuing the Broadband connection in East Beckham which is very poor. A Government initiative to pay per household for those who currently only have 2MB or less could be used? ACu also advised fibre optic cabinet in WB is due to be connected in Dec 2019 (although had previously been advised end May 2019) Lobby Norman Lamb?
JS to advise the surgeries for Norman Lamb.

The ROSPA inspector of the Playground highlighted the broken back board of the basket ball hoop. KL had investigated the purchase of a new one, but it was felt it was a waste of money due to the lack of ‘suitable ground surface’ and lack of space for ball games. It is unlikely to be made use of. A better thing would be to change the equipment to include the Climbing frame at some other point.

5. Next Meeting dates
at 7PM at Julia Dovey’s Home
Tuesday 8th October 2019

Meeting closed at 8.45pm

Cllr Kathryn Lord (Secretary E&WB Solar Community Fund Committee)
kathryn.lord@me.com / 07711070417
2 Hall Farm Cottages, Church Road,
West Beckham, Holt, Norfolk
NR25 6NX

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